Masters & teachers

I have been privileged to be born in a family with living traditions, self-realized masters and lineage that go as far back as 1469. Under the personal guidance of several self-realized and self-sovereign masters, I am today able to share their profound teachings on the nature of the mind, consciousness, meditation, process of self development, self realization and ultimately self-self-sovereignty.

Mata Rattan Kaur, Daughter of Uttam Singh Plahe
Baba Puran Singh
Bhram Gyani Baba Arjun Singh ji
Baba Puran Singh and Mata Ji
Baba Puran Singh & Bhram Gyani Baba Arjun Singh ji

Sant Puran Singh Kerico Wale 


Sant Baba Ranjit Singh ji
Ram Bahadur Bomjon (Buddha Boy)
96 Chor Akali Nihang  Baba Joginder Singh jathedar Buddha Dal

Saheed Baba KangRaia,  

Baba Panesar 

Baba Julta

Gupt Sant Didar Singh Manku

Sant Puran Singh Kerico Wale 

Panj Payre 

Akali Nihang MahaPurekh


Through Mata Pilar (Saint Miguel- Girona) I have had the profound privilege to learn much from the indigenous shamans of Peru, North America,Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia and Ecuador

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