
Pioneering  mindfulness & consciousness based health intervention since 1993

Ref: (ref) https://www.davpanesar.com/mindfulness/

1993-1995 – Stress Management Thru Mindfulness (SMM) –  10 week course was developed by Dav Panesar

1995-   Stress Management Thru Mindfulness for employees:  Coventry City Council Dav Panesar

Featured in Training for Results, Journal of Human Development -  may/June 1995 ISSN: 1356-6539


1998-1999 –  Stress Management Thru Meditation (10 week course), first mindfulness based health intervention course delivered at Coventry University.

2000 – Launched www.stressmanagement.co.uk – Stress Management Thru Mindfulness (SMM)

2000 – Successfully developed the first PC based stress management thru mindfulness launched in the UK

2002-2010 –As the Chief Executive of Financial Services Net Limited, Dav introduced Mindfulness in his Business and Management together with ethical responsible framework. His business was acquired by Moneysupermarket.com in 2010.

2008-2010 – Successfully developed and delivered religious and culturally sensitive Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), 8 week course for addressing depression and preventing relapse in South Asian Community – delivered in Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi and English

2006-2009 –Postgraduate Master of Science, MSc in Consciousness Studies and Transpersonal Psychology at Liverpool John Moore University

2009 – Introduction to Gurmat Therapy, a comprehensive approach to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and well being based on the psychological understanding and teachings of wisdom traditions, experiential evidence, science, psychology & consciousness studies.

2009-     Introducing mindfulness and Gurmat therapy based retreats , workshops and courses throughout Europe

2009 -  Eastern and western psychology workshop  - Non ego and ego based psychology

2009 – In partnership with Europe’s largest online diabetes resource, Diabetes.co.uk, 4 stage Mindfulness for Diabetes course

2010 – Appointed Director of the Institute of Mindfulness and Transpersonal Psychology (Spain)

2013 – Mindfulness in the City. A UK and Spanish initiative to introduce Mindfulness to the residents of two pilot cities, Granada in Spain and Coventry in the UK.

2013 – Established the Flame, centre for Mindfulness, holistic health and wellbeing – a not for profit organisation that has helped over 14,500+ people with depression, anxiety and stress (up to 2017)

2013 – Developed a ground breaking approach to introducing mindfulness within a context in order to ensure those introduced to meditation also recognise and understand meditation, including mindfulness, has significant consequences on self, relationships and meaning.

2013- Mindfulness and contra indications course for professionals

2013 - Mindfulness and transpersonal development

2013 – saw the first  international “right”-mindfulness based event at Coventry Cathedral, Mindfulness & Mind-body medicine 2013 (right means within a context and wholesome, or healthy approach in mindfulness practice)

2014 - The second international mindfulness-based event at Coventry Cathedral, Mindfulness & self-compassion – Expert speaker. Edwardo Pitichon – Link Therapy

2015 - The third international mindfulness-based event at Coventry Cathedral, Mindfulness & Neuroscience - Expert speaker. Dr Amy Bilderbeck – Oxford University

2016 - The fourth international mindfulness-based event at Coventry Cathedral, Mindfulness & self-transformation - Expert speaker. Dr Miguel Frias – Coventry University

2017 - The fifth international mindfulness-based event at Coventry Cathedral, Mindfulness & Spiritual intelligence - - Expert speaker. Professor Les Lancaster

2018 - The sixth international mindfulness-based event at Coventry Cathedral, Mindfulness & extraordinary experiences - Expert speaker. Dr Jessica Bocker

2020 - The seventh Mindfulness based event, Mindfulness, Yoga and Ayurveda - Expert speaker Dr Deepa Apte


Acclaimed expert in meditation, mind, consciousness studies and holistic non-ego based psychotherapy, as cited in Springers Encyclopedia of Sikhism 2017.



2018 – Official launch of Gurmat TherapyConsciousness based psychology, A Consciousness based psycho-spiritual approach to personal and transpersonal health and wellbeing – Gurmat Therapists Practitioners course with Professor Arvindpal Mandair

2018 – Official representative on stakeholder engagement group on mapping mindfulness provision in the UK, through Cardiff University

2018 -  Introducing Gurmat Psycho-spiritual psychology (Consciousness based psychology) in the  “Mind/Consciousness/Brain” workshop–  Bringing together philosophy, psychology, neuroscience & Gurmat psychology. - Michigan University USA - April 24, 2018

2019 -  Consciousness & culture research group - Overcoming Psychic Debilitation:  Models of Wellbeing in the Heritage Traditions. University of Warwick 27 April 2019
Consciousness & culture research group

2019 -  Panelist Leverhulme Research Associate School of Social Science Cardiff University, UK  Mapping Mindfulness in the UK,